Ichigo’s TRUE BANKAI Explained| Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War

 After the conclusion of the Bleach Manga

it is safe to say that there were a lot

of unanswered questions and areas for

speculation is one of the biggest mysteries

that fuels most of the criticisms for

the ending of bleach online is the fact

that we never get to learn about what

the true power of Ichigo's Bankai was

we did get to see Ichigo activate his

true Bankai in chapter 678 but it was

very short-lived having been taken out

by Yhwach just one page later the aim

of this video is to dive into some of

the theories and discussions surrounding

the power of Ichigo's true Bankai we

will use various points from the manga

to back up the theories that are

proposed in this blog including

referencing how fearful Yhwach was of

its true Bankai form he was so afraid

that he had no choice but to eliminate

it, only moments after it was activated

meaning that he has in fact seen

multiple Futures while he was defeated

by the power of Ichigo's true Bankai so

without further delay let's discuss the

hidden power of Ichigo's true

Tensazangetsu blade, A power, So fearsome 

that Yhwach did not want to even risk

fighting against it.

We can speculate and theorize about the power

of the true final form of Tensazangatsu,

let's discuss everything that we know

about it thus so far from its brief

appearance within the manga in chapter

678 Ichigo speaks to Yhwach about

how he has overcome despair time and

time again, this is before he raises both

of his blades in the air one on top of

the other as he activates his true

bankai form for the first time after a

burst of energy his dual blades merge

into a large blade as it takes up the

shape of a smaller Black Blade which is

encased in a white outer shell now this

form of the new Tenzangetsu was

immediately destroyed by Yhwach but

after his Zanpakuto is restored thanks to

the combined efforts of Tsukushima and

Orihime we see his new tensor zangatsu

once again as he unleashes an incredible


against the Monstrous Yhwach who at

this stage had his powers enhanced after

he had absorbed the soul King this

stronger getsugatencho is a golden blast

of energy that was strong enough to cut

the leader of the Quincy into two this

single attack did in fact kill Yhwach

but thanks to his powers of the almighty

he was able to reverse his own death now

something fascinating happens to Ichigo

zanpakuto in chapter 684 after Yhwach

survives the attack and returns to

restart the collapse of the human world

Soul Society and Hueco Mundo then

following further firing the still silver

Arrowhead through Yhwach's heart Ichigo

is given the perfect opportunity to kill

Yhwach as he charges towards him with his

new tensor zangetsu Blade the leader of

the Quincy attempts to break his sword

for the second time but it ends up only

breaking the white outer casing

revealing underneath it a blade that

resembles Ichigo's original shikai

zanpakuto zangetsu.

Now I'm pretty sure that you can

understand where all of this confusion

about Ichigo's powers is stemming from

firstly his new tensile zangatsu blade

is revealed to take up two forms and

secondly we were never told what the

power of Ichigo's true Bankai is just

what on Earth was Yhwach so afraid of

aside from the fact that his new Bankai

is really sharp and it can cut really

well what is the true power of His blade

if you recall Ichigo had all of its

Quincy and Hollow Powers absorbed by

Yhwach in chapter 680 but thanks to

Tsukushima he had these aspects of his

powers restored this was a crucial part

of him being able to use the new form of

his tensa getsu again because

Ichigo's Bankai is in fact a combination

of all of the different powers that he

has exhibited throughout the series his

newly completed bankai incorporates his

hollow powers via the horn that grows

out of his head which allows him to fire

Satos his full-bring powers which we

know involves the ability to create

objects or manipulate the shape of them

with ryatsu which he does to form the

armor around his body his inheritage

Shinigami Powers allow Ichigo to channel

his ryatsu into his Zanpakuto so this

gives him control of his internal power

while contrastingly his inherited Quincy

Powers allow him to control and absorb

reishi from outside of his body all of

these separate core components of his

true bankai come together to make his

tensile zangetsu a fairly broken zanpakuto

however these individual aspects of his

powers and how they are exhibited don't

still explain the singular main power of

His True Bankai after years of

theorizing and speculating I believe

that the power to overcome despair by

shattering the grinding Gears of Fate is

in fact the power of his new Bankai this

allows him to reject fate in a similar

way to Orihime who has a complementary

power to Ichigo which is to reject

the phenomenon itself this is how Orihime is

allowed to defend herself with her

barriers or heal any fatal injuries

there were a lot of fans who were

disappointed by the sudden defeat of

Yhwach because of the confusing

appearance of Ichigo's original shikai


What had happened to Ichigo zanpakuto at the

end of bleach I believe that the true

power of His Bankai has been

foreshadowed within bleach years before

it is revealed via chapter 0 which was

published at the end of volume 23. here

we learn about Ichigo's desire and in

hindsight how it is pretty plausible to

correlate this to the power of each

ghost true Bankai form throughout Bleach

the character of Ichigo is intrinsically

linked to the theme of shattering fate

he says this himself to You Buck that he

has overcome despair time and time again

somehow Ichigo has always been able to

overcome impossible obstacles as he

proves throughout the story of bleach

that he can fight against the grinding

Gears of fate and not being at the mercy of

the cruelty of predetermined Destiny

this idea that Ichigo's ultimate power the shatter fade is prevalent amongst

fans and I tend to agree with them and

believe that the power of His True

Bankai is to wield the blade powerful

enough to shatter fate during the

official bleach prequel titled chapter 0

side Aid the sand we learned about

Ichigo's feelings prior to the start of

the series and what he had experienced

leading up to his Fateful Encounter With

Rukia in chapter 1 of the manga side a

the sand follows an average day in the

life of Ichigo at the end of the school

day his friends tried to talk to him

about a TV show but he has a

disinterested expression on his face

that is until he senses that something

has happened this is where the poem

begins as Ichigo leaves School in a

hurry he arrives at his destination to

discover spots of blood on the ground as

an elderly Spirit tells Ichigo that the

boy is gone Ichigo can do nothing but to

helplessly agree with the old man he

says to himself that he can see ghosts

touch them and even speak to them but

this is all that he could do for them

sometimes they disappear without warning

like the spirit of this little boy that

each God wanted to give a toy airplane

to he says that he doesn't know what

happens to them but sometimes they leave

behind spots of blood that only he can

see and there is always this lingering

smell of fear he then admits to himself

that no matter how strong he may get he

is unable to protect them now this

defeated expression on each Ghost Face

should convey to you how much this means

to him without any words you can tell

that he is deeply impacted by the loss

of this boy realizing that he is

powerless and could do nothing for the

boy cuts his heart like cold steel

Ichigo leaves the toy where the boy was

last seen as we later see him encounter

the spirit of a little girl he comforts

and reassures her telling her not to cry

and he promises that he will be back to

visit her again this is a breakdown of

the events that occur and now let's look

at the poem which helps us to better

understand Ichigo's problem and how fate

is heavily involved with it the poem is

written From Ichigo's perspective and it

begins with the world changes it turns

each time it touches the Sun and the

Moon it takes a new shape this is in

reference to how with each rotation of

the earth passing over day into night

and vice versa the words that we reside

within changes we are powerless to stop

the world from rotating and we cannot

stop these changes from occurring this

powerlessness is spoken about in the

next verse the only thing that does not

change is my powerlessness this

beautifully complements the first verse

and it emphasizes each ghost desperation

for wanting to grasp Fate by his hands

and steer it in his Direction the poem

concludes with the following verses it's

turning if fate is a gear and we are the

Sun that falls between those gears then

there is nothing that we can do so I

wish for strength if I cannot protect

them from the grinding Gears of Fate

then give me a strong blade and enough

strength to shatter fate metaphorically

our position in the world is described

as our life is pulled into the direction

of fate and destiny as we have little

control over what happens to us just

like the sun that is crushed between the

rotating gears we are powerless to stop

the gears and are taken in the direction

that the gears are rotating towards

Ichigo has seen how cruel fate can be

and it's for this reason that he wishes

for the strength to not just protect his

loved ones from fate but to shatter it

completely now ultimately it was thanks

to Rukia that he had gained power in the

first place and for once he was finally

able to fight against fate he was no

longer powerless and yet consequently

intervened when his family were

threatened by the hollow fishbone D

similar to how his mother was attacked

by the grand Fisher but now he can do

something about it no longer does he

have to helplessly stand by as the

spirits that he encounters are

inevitably devoured by Hollows Ichigo

Zanpakuto allows him to cut through fate

and overcome the odds in impossible

situations the crushing Gears of Fate

were broken by Ichigo his wish to

receive a blade strong enough to shatter

fate was fulfilled thus fighting against

fate and destiny becomes an intrinsic

theme which always resurfaces within the

pages of bleach we see the idea of Fate

brought up during Ichigo's battle

against Byakuya, Eisen and even

Yhwach as long as he is wielding his

blade he is able to protect the weak and

resist against the crushing Gears of

Fate during the Thousand-Year Blood War

Arc Yhwach stated that he has

destroyed every Bankai in the future and

that there is no power in this world

that can defeat him as he has already

overcome it in every possible future

that he has seen and this is thanks to

the powers of the Almighty which in a

way are a physical manifestation of

predetermined fate and destiny as he

himself states that there is nothing in

the world that he has not already seen

and overcome his ability allows him to

alter the future to affect his immediate

present thus explaining how he has

instantly destroyed Ichigo's new tensile

zangetsu played just one page after it

was revealed from this one precautionary

act we can only begin to imagine how

powerful the full extent of Ichigo's new

Bankai must be Yhwach had ultimately

failed because he had ignored the vision

of the future where he was actually

defeated by Ichigo in chapter 672 a key

piece of a shadowing is dropped while

UOB has a vision that he mistakes to be

a nightmare while he briefly sees that

he is confronted by Ichigo in his false

shikai form the very form that he had

taken up after he had awakened his own

Shinigami Powers following the shattered

shaft training with Urahara right at the

start of bleach it was this iconic

original shikai zanpakuto form that

Ichigo had first wielded during the

invasion of the Soul Society this was

the blade that he had used which had

given him the power to cut through fate

and to rescue Rukia it is Iconic not

only in your parents but because it was

the first form that he had taken up

after having activated some aspect of

his own inherited power because up until

that point in the series he was using

powers that he had borrowed from Rukia

Chapter 672 shows us Ichigo wielding his

original shikai blade to kill Yhwach

the very blade that had manifested in

chapter 684 and was actually used to

defeat him now I may just be reading

between the lines too much but this is

what I think of when I try to imagine

where Kubo was going in terms of

Ichigo's powers and the dermatic

direction of his character while

everyone else's zanpakuto and powers are

fairly straightforward and are explained

in the series on the other hand Ichigo's

powers and forms have been ever-changing

and constantly evolving gradually he

Incorporated a new side to his power

with every form that he had taken up and

each power that he had awakened which

was kind of like a stepping stone

leading up to the reveal of his true

bankai and true shikai I refer to these

forms as true because they combine all

aspects of his power this is what sets

Ichigo's Bankai apart from everyone

else's in the series throughout the

Thousand-Year Blood War Arc ichigo's

Bankai was hinted at being special ever

since eburn and kilge had failed to

steal it at the start of the series all

the way up until Yhwach back had deemed 

it to be too dangerous to even contend

with Yhwach did say that he had eliminated

every Bankai in the future but he still

was willing to entertain them to some

extent like during his encounter with

Yamamoto or Ichigo, he did not end up

destroying their zanpakuto upon their

Bankai activations however when it comes

to Ichigo zanpakuto, it appears to be an

exception as his blade was the only one

that Yhwach had actively tried to break

in almost every encounter that he has

with him even at the start of the arc

when Ichigo first encounters Yhwach we

see that Yhwach ends up breaking his

Tensugatensue into two in chapter 515

while your back's ability the almighty

maybe the most broken power within

bleach through my speculation and

theorizing we can appreciate the power

of Ichigo's true Bankai and understand

how it is one of the most Hax powers in

the series even being able to overcome

the almighty for now all, we have

theories and speculation as for 

the actual power of Ichigo's new Tensa

zangetsu, we may get to learn more about

it, if Kubo feels like continuing his

work by the upcoming hell Arc of the

Bleach Manga additionally with the way

that we are getting more context and

extended scenes within the anime

adaptation of the Thousand Year Blood

War Arc anime, there is every possibility

that Ichigo's new Bankai will be

elaborated upon in anime form especially

if the final battle against Yhwach is expanded upon.



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